Yesterday we saw Samantha's face for the first time! What an incredible little girl we have been blessed with! She is just perfect! We have decided to move our blog to wordpress to allow us to password protect some of our postings. Please email us at if you would like to follow our new site. We truly appreciate each and every one of you who have followed our journey and offered your thoughts, prayers and encouragement along the way. We are truly blessed!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
We've Moved!
Posted by
Heather Field
5:44 AM
Friday, May 9, 2008
Interrupting This Break......

Yes, another birthday in the Field household. When you have a big family, it seems that someone is always having a birthday! Today Charley turned 35! Unfortunately, he didn't have a super fantastic day. Last Friday he hurt his back playing softball on our men's church league. He took an ambulance ride to the ER, and here we are a week later and he is still in a lot of pain and can't do much of anything. It is looking like this will be the norm for him for the next month. No work and no play! But, after being cooped up all week, we managed to meet our good friends Cheryl & Sylvester (who are also adopting from Vietnam and are also DTV the same day we are) for dinner at our favorite Japanese Steakhouse and we had a great time!
Posted by
Heather Field
8:29 PM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Taking A Break
I have decided to take a break from blogland for a while. There is a lot going on in the world of Vietnam/US adoptions and I would prefer not to get into all of that here, as I am committed to keeping our blog a happy place. Please pray for us on this journey and pray for the US government, the Vietnam government, all of the famlies involved and most of all, the innocent babies who have no voice in this mess.
Posted by
Heather Field
6:14 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Birthday Wish!
Posted by
Heather Field
7:55 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Posted by
Heather Field
2:01 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Little Sprout!
We have a tree!!! Our "Linh tree" has sprouted and is about 3" tall! We really enjoy watching it grow. It is a beautiful reminder of our precious little Linh.
Posted by
Heather Field
9:11 AM
Happy Birthday Bradley!!!
Happy Birthday Bradley! It sure is hard to believe he is 10 years old!!! Amazing how quickly they grow up! Bradley got an electric guitar for his birthday and he is ready to JAM!!!
Posted by
Heather Field
9:08 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
HOPE Defined
Posted by
Heather Field
5:05 PM
Monday, March 31, 2008
I Confess....
I've been shopping again! (You are all so surprised, right???) I just couldn't pass up this new line from Baby Gap. So tropical & fun!
Posted by
Heather Field
8:05 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Day 400 & Another New Look!!!
Once again, a blog make-over!!! A big THANK YOU to my very talented friend Jenna for giving our little space on the web a fresh new look! Now we are ready for our referral! I have bought everything on my list for travel, everything (and way more) that a baby could ever need, we have all the plans together for our kids when we leave for Vietnam, and we even have a great new blog look to announce Miss Samantha!
Today marks 400 days since we began our adoption. Is that possible? Actually, I guess the question is, can I possibly survive another hundred or so days before I finally hold Samantha in our arms? YES, I will survive, but patiently??? Hmmmm, probably not (OK definitely not!) Hopefully it won't be long before we see her sweet face. We know that day will be bittersweet, but we also know that Linh is in heaven with Jesus and we know that Samantha is the child God intends to come home with us. We can't wait to see who that little person is!
Posted by
Heather Field
9:44 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Sweet Angel Linh
I have been working on this post for days now. There just doesn't seem to be adequate words to honor the life of our precious angel, Linh. As the days pass by, the pain doesn't fade. She was so much more than a picture to us. She was, and is, our daughter. We love her and she will always be a part of our family.
It has been four weeks since she made her journey into Jesus' arms, and although we are devistated by the loss, we have peace knowing she is in heaven and that we have the promise of seeing her someday.
Things are moving along again. Many families have received referrals in the past few weeks, and after speaking with our agency, we know a referral is in the near future for us too. It is such a combination of so many emotions when I think about accepting a new referral. No baby will ever replace Linh. When we received her pictures, we instantly knew she was our baby. Now I get lost in thought, wondering if we will feel the same way when we see pictures of our referral. I'm sure we will, but it's hard to imagine that when we loved Linh so very much and our hearts ache to have held her in our arms. We know that God had a plan for her short life and we know that God has a plan for us and for the baby He has chosen to make the journey from an orphanage on the other side of the world, into our hearts, our arms, and our home. Please pray for our journey as we continue on.
Posted by
Heather Field
10:51 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008
No More Counting
Today is exactly 6 months since we were DTV. As most of you know, our road took a sad and unexpected turn two weeks ago when we got the news that the baby we were matched with passed away. We are still moving foward in hopes that the child God has for us will be in our arms eventually, but there are not any timeframes to count up or down to anymore as we really don't know when the news will come. Our agency is guessing it will take 2-4 months to be re-matched with another baby. Being we are open to special needs and toddlers, it could be sooner, but with the uncertainty of international adoption, it could just as easily be later. We truly have no idea, but what we do know is that we are trusting the Lord and continue to follow the path He has layed before us. We are on a journey to our daughter and we know she is out there waiting for us.
On a happy note, a few families from our agency have received referrals (a big congrats to Jenna & Ed on the referral of their precious daughter Ella as well as Derek & Tiffany on the referral of their adorable little son Mason!) Also, several families have just received I600 approvals and will be traveling to bring their children home from Vietnam very shortly. Congrats to all of you and safe travels! It is wonderful to finally hear lots of good news!
Posted by
Heather Field
8:54 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Following the Path
Posted by
Heather Field
7:24 AM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Remembering Linh
Posted by
Heather Field
8:43 AM
Thank You & Bless You All
WOW! There really are no words to explain how loved we have felt by all of you during this difficult time. The prayers, cards, gifts, flowers, memory tree, phone calls, kind words & visits are appreciated beyond measure. God has truly blessed us with an amazing family, friends & community. It is all of you who have gotten us through this devistating time and we thank you and love you all!
Posted by
Heather Field
8:39 AM
Happy Birthday Cody!!!
Cody turned 9 on Saturday! It's hard to believe he is 9 already, where does the time go??? Even though it was a very sad weekend in our house, grieving the loss of our little Linh, Cody had a great birthday. Granny came down from Okalhoma and made him a cake, we went out for lunch & dinner, and he got an awesome gift - a drum set! (I will try to post pics of that by this weekend on our family blog Maybe someone will buy me some earplugs for my birthday!
Posted by
Heather Field
8:34 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Greater Plans
We recieved this in an email today and it really touched my heart in our time of need.
"God had even greater plans for her. He sovereignly and lovingly chose to adopt her Himself, and now, you are right – she IS with Jesus."
We want to thank you all for the many thoughts and prayers they mean so much to us now.
God Bless,
Posted by
Heather Field
10:55 PM
Our Little Angel, Linh
Posted by
Heather Field
10:22 AM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A Year Ago Today
Posted by
Heather Field
1:58 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
23 Weeks DTV!
Posted by
Heather Field
4:00 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Tet, The Year of the Rat/Mouse & 22 Weeks DTV!
Today is the start of Tet, the Vietnamese New Year. Celebrations in Vietnam are in full swing as they begin the YEAR OF THE RAT/MOUSE! I look foward to celebrating Tet with our family next year. Samantha will be here and we will head to Dallas to experience a taste of the biggest celebration in Vietnamese culture! This year I will celebrate by.....hmmmm......maybe shopping???
Posted by
Heather Field
8:59 AM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Shopping Day With Charley!!!
I know you are all just on the edge of your seats, waiting to hear how my shopping trip with Charley went on Saturday. Although he may not admit it, I really think he had fun shopping for our little Samantha! First we went to breakfast and "talked adoption" while we ate. Then it was off to Babies R Us. We decided on an adorable stroller & infant carseat/carrier (love the polka dots!) We also picked up bottles, pacifiers and a few other baby necessities. Next was Costco (boring). Lastly, BABY GAP (I know, you're shocked!!!) To all of you who participated in my gift card shower, THANK YOU! I had so much fun shopping!!!
Posted by
Heather Field
9:31 PM
Thursday, January 31, 2008
10 YEARS!!! & 21 Weeks DTV

I just had a knock on my door. A special delivery for me!!! What beautiful flowers from my amazing husband! I can't wait to see what the next ten years bring! I love you Bubbie! (That's his pet name, I never call him Charley!)
Posted by
Heather Field
8:19 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
20 Weeks DTV
Posted by
Heather Field
10:38 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
4 Things....
4 Jobs I've Had:
1. Commercial Sales at Builder's Square
2. Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Rep.
3. DirecTV (Complaint Department)
4. In Home Childcare Provider
4 Movies I Watch Over & Over:
1. Santa Claus (1, 2 & 3)
2. A Guy Thing
3. Any Disney Movie
4. My Best Friend's Wedding
4 Places I Have Lived:
1. New York (Long Island)
2. Oklahoma
3. Arizona
4. Texas
4 Shows I Watch:
1. Adoption Stories
2. Most Food Network Shows
3. College Football (Does that count?)
4. American Idol
4 Places I've Been:
1. England (Many times)
2. Mexico
3. All of the East Coast States
4. Soon I'll be able to say "VIETNAM"
4 People Who Email Me Regularly:
1. Lindsey
2. Jenna
3. Julie
4. Dana
4 Things I Love To Eat:
1. Mexican Food
2. Asian Food (Chinese, Japanese & some Vietnamese)
3. Salad
4. Cheesecake
4 Places I'd Rather Be:
1. In Vietnam bringing home Samantha!
2. On a hot, white, sandy beach
3. On vacation anywhere with Charley
4. SHOPPING!!! (for Samantha, ofcourse!)
4 Things I Look Foward To This Year:
1. Getting "THE CALL" from our agecny to tell us about Samantha
2. Traveling to Vietnam to meet Samantha
3. Bringing Samantha home to family
4. Being a complete family (or starting the adoption process for #6!!!)
4 People I'm Tagging:
1. Dana (
2. Cheryl (
3. Kathy (
4. Megan (
Posted by
Heather Field
10:08 PM
All Good Things Must Come To An End.
Notice how skinny this pitiful little piggy bank looks? Well, that's about what our piggy bank is looking like, and this time Charley is putting his foot down. It's time to fatten up the piggy bank, which means NO MORE SHOPPING! So sad. But, on the brighter side, this is all for a good cause....getting Samantha home. We are hopeful that our referral is coming soon and things will start happening. I have to believe we are getting close!
Posted by
Heather Field
11:21 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
19 Weeks DTV
Posted by
Heather Field
7:40 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
100th Post & New Look!
Well, this is my 100th post on this blog! After seeing the crafty work of other people's blogs, I decided I would commemorate my 100th post with a new look! My great blog buddy, Jenna, did the make-over, THANKS JENNA, you're the best!
Posted by
Heather Field
9:11 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
18 Weeks DTV & Spring Shopping Already!
Posted by
Heather Field
6:55 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
4 Months Today (17 1/2 Weeks) - Counting It All!!!
Posted by
Heather Field
1:33 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
17 Weeks DTV & New PJ's!
OK...did you ever see a cuter cow or piggy than the one on these jammies??? Yes, Baby Gap sucked me in again!
So, here we are, another week down for the count! The latest update I got from our agency said she hopes it will be VERY soon! That's encouraging. It has always been soon, but never before has she said VERY soon!
Posted by
Heather Field
1:02 PM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy 2008!
Happy New Year to all!!! Well, 2007 was a good year. It is the year we began the journey to our daughter in Vietnam. I am a little sad that we didn't get to see her little face in 2007, but we know 2008 will be the year we will learn who she is, see her picture, travel to her country and finally hold her in our arms and be her forever family! So, CHEERS to 2008, it's going to be a great year!
Posted by
Heather Field
9:25 AM
Friday, December 28, 2007
16 Weeks DTV (and to add to my collection!!!)
Posted by
Heather Field
10:08 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Posted by
Heather Field
5:50 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Tis The Season! (for shopping)
Posted by
Heather Field
11:02 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
15 Weeks DTV!
Posted by
Heather Field
9:51 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
300 Days Ago.....
We officially began our adoption journey! Sometimes it feels like it was just a few weeks ago, and sometimes it feels like it has been years! When we began our journey, I never dreamed that Samantha wouldn't be here for the holidays this year. I thought I'd be buying cute little clothes and toys to put under the tree with her name on them, but it just wasn't time yet. (Make no mistake, I am still buying, it's just going in her closet, not under the tree!!!) I truly believe that God has chosen Samantha to be with our family and it is all is His timing that things will fall into place. Maybe it will be a few more days or maybe it will be a few more weeks. It's possible that it could even be a few more months, but I really feel like it won't be much longer. However long the wait is really doesn't matter. What matters is that we will someday hold the child who God has created to be with our family.
Posted by
Heather Field
5:08 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
14 Weeks DTV / New Spring Outfit!
OK, so how could I resist this one??? I couldn't!!! (I need to stay out of Baby Gap!) Well, here we are, 14 weeks since our dossier went to Vietnam and only 11 days til Christmas. There is still hope that we may get our Christmas miracle (referral) by Christmas, but it is beginning to look like it will be January. I hate it when Charley is right!!!
Posted by
Heather Field
7:40 AM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
We've Been DTV for 13 Weeks and There's 19 Days Left to Hope For....
.....OUR CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!!! We have been officially waiting for our referral for 13 weeks, and YES, I am still hoping for a Christmas miracle! We are really hoping to see her sweet face before Christmas, but there are several families still waiting with DTV dates before ours. As one of the staff ladies at our agency always says - EACH NEW DAY HOLDS HOPE!
Posted by
Heather Field
3:00 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Posted by
Heather Field
12:34 PM
December - The Month of Miracles!
It's hard to believe that it's December already! Only 21 Christmas shopping days left. I better get busy!!! The Christmas season is such a magical time of year and as we celebrate this wonderful season, we are hopeful that this month will bring the miracle of Samantha! Several families with our agency received their referrals over the past few days. A big congrats to those happy families!!!
Posted by
Heather Field
10:32 AM
The Votes Are In!
Thank you to all who voted on our "When will we get our referral" poll. It was fun to see all the guesses! To those very optomistic 6 people who voted for November, I'm sad to say that November has passed and we have yet to see any trace of Samantha yet. To those 18 Christmas spirited people who voted for December, I'm right there with ya, hoping for our Christmas miracle! For those 11 people who voted for January, you all are Charley's biggest fans! And, lastly, for those 12 of you who voted for February, I hope you're a month or so off!!!
Posted by
Heather Field
10:21 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
12 Weeks DTV!!! (and things are happening!)
Today marks 12 weeks of waiting since our dossier went to Vietnam. With each week that passes, I wonder how many more weeks I will have to wait before I get to see her sweet face. BUT...things are happening! A few more families with our agency received referrals yesterday and today. (If you are one of those families and you are reading this, A BIG CONGRATS TO YOU!!!) I am soooooo ready for it to be our turn to get "THE CALL!"
Posted by
Heather Field
9:43 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...
Posted by
Heather Field
8:03 AM
Friday, November 23, 2007
11 Weeks DTV!
Another week closer! If only I knew how many weeks I'm counting to!!! From talking to others who have completed their adoptions, they say the wait from referral to travel is the hardest wait, but I think waiting on our referral will be the hardest. Day after day I wonder what she will look like, how old she will be and what province she will come from. I've convinced myseld that I'll be patient once we finally see her little face, but time will tell!
Posted by
Heather Field
10:45 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Posted by
Heather Field
10:48 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Baby Gap Fun - Thanks Jenna!
My GREAT blog buddy, Jenna, sent me a friends & family discount card, so how could I have resisted this??? It's a good thing I had so much fun at Gymboree last week & Baby Gap this week becasue Charley said, "NO MORE SHOPPING!" Oh well, it was definitley fun while it lasted!!!
Posted by
Heather Field
6:51 PM