Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Good Books

Who loves a good book? I do, I do!!! Speaking of books, I ordered some books from Amazon the other day. To tell you the truth, I don't even remember all of them that I ordered, but I know for sure I bought the book that Cherie Clark wrote, "After Sorrow Comes Joy." After all the buzz about it on the PLAN yahoo group, I decided it is a must read. Does anyone have any great adoption books (for adults or children) they'd reccommend? I have one that I read for the first time 5 years ago. Since then I have read it another two or three times. It is an amazing book titled "The Strength of Mercy." If you are interested in reading it but have a hard time finding it, let me know and I'll let you know how to get a copy. You won't regret the time spent reading this book!


Jen said...

I'm back...follow the links.

Sue said...

You most certainly can still follow along! Our link was in the post you commented on, but here is the addy...

http://waitingforoursweetpea. wordpress.com