Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Special Birthday!

Today our oldest daughter turns 14! It's hard to believe we have a 14 year old (as well as a 12, 9 & 8 year old) and we have a toddler on the way! It truly seems like yesterday that our four "big kids" were toddlers! We have read many books and articles on preparing for an adopted child. We have educated ourselves on attachment & bonding, developmental delays and all that comes along with an adopted child. But........does anyone out there have any suggestions on books to prepare older children for the adoption process. I'm hoping there is something out there on their level. We have done our best to talk about all the possible issues our little Samantha could come to us with and how we will love her unconditionally, but it would be great if there was a book they could read as well. All comments and suggestions are welcomed and appreciated!


Julie said...

You have such a beautiful daughter and family!!! Incredible to think, that "soon" there will be one more. Last week, I got the book "Talking with Young Children about Adoption". Even though it will be awhile before Lovey is ready for it, I wanted to be prepared to talk to my nieces, nephew, and students in my class. There must be something similar for older children. I'll keep my eye out for you! Hang in there...171's and referrals have to be coming soon!

Kerry said...

Your daughter is absolutely beautiful! What a smile. I'm sure your kids will be fine- it's going to be exciting for everyone :)